Organizational Coaching

Many transformation projects are focused on the process aspect only: Based on strategic objectives and clearly defined indicators, transformation must be reached within a given timeframe. However, experience has shown that it is difficult to motivate employees to achieve given targets, and even more difficult to reach specified deep transformations. That is why many transformation projects are ineffective.

Efficient transformation focuses on company culture. It makes it possible to convey meaning and create purpose together. Meaningfulness is not dictated top-down, but by involving all those who are supposed to experience purposeful work. Accordingly, companies which decide to become more agile involve their employees in the development of the transformation processes. Thus, they not only experience effectiveness, but also feel fully responsible for the solution they developed themselves.

Companies that opt for the principle of self-management are convinced that the crippling effect of rapid change, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA paradigm) can best be mastered when staff are included in fundamental change processes. Efficient use of all resources is key to corporate success. Talents, professionals and experts want not only to execute, but to contribute their know-how and experience in the strategy formulation and solution development phase. Failure to use this potential systematically leads to frictional losses and costs a company a lot of money. With the staff-activating large-group formats such as Appreciate Enquiry, Open Space, Future Search or Think Tanks, it is possible to initiate comprehensive change processes that affect the strategy, culture and process levels, and maintain the commitment of the staff to achieving the objectives.


An Organisation Coaching programme consists of a tailor-made modular process that focuses on what can be achieved for companies with the least possible means and the highest possible effect.

Step 1: Clarifying the starting position

  • What does the organisation really want and need? What is the goal of the Organisation Coaching programme?
  • Clarify the organisation’s readiness for the principle of ‘self-management‘:
    Transformation Change Check
  • Clarify how to deal with relevant framework parameters: staff information, decision making, conflict management, controlling and reporting, performance and talent management

Step 2: Interventions on the vision level

  • Benefits of self-management; best practice stories
  • Plenary discussions with members of management
  • Large-group formats: Appreciate Enquiry, Think Tanks, Future Search

Step 3: Interventions on the culture level

  • Staff survey (Organisation Change Check); structured and cross-hierarchical interviews
  • Large-group formats: Appreciate Enquiry, Think Tanks, Future Search

Step 4: Interventions on the structural and process level

  • Workshops on:
  • Deciding in teams
  • Interdepartmental communication
  • Conflict management in change projects
  • Efficient meetings
  • Self-organising organisations
  • Large-group formats: Open Space, Market Place (introducing solutions)

Would you like to find out more about an Organisation Coaching programme for your company, without obligation? We are looking forward hearing from you.

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