
You would like to participate in an outplacement process. This is a modular process that will systematically support you in shaping a new professional future.

Our programme consists of seven modules. You can work through the modules in the suggested sequence or select elements that are of interest to you.

Our outplacements bring four advantages for you:

  • We work at fixed prices, regardless of how long the accompaniment lasts. We refuse to tier prices according to the duration of the process. After all, it can’t be your problem if we fail to deliver our services in a timely manner.
  • This is where our platform solution helps us. Since 2017, we have been offering all our services online, allowing each client to work at their own pace and prepare for meetings.
  • We offer a guarantee of success: every client in an outplacement process is accompanied as long as a permanent and sustainable solution is found.
  • We can do this because we can look back on more than 100,000 successful accompaniment processes and have used them to build an extensive network of former candidates who actively help us create new opportunities. In this way, the chances of success increase with each passing day.

What our customers say about our outplacement process:


Persönliche und engagierte Begleitung im Outplacement-Prozess

Ich habe die persönliche und engagierte Begleitung von Herrn Kres während meines Outplacementprozesses als sehr bereichernd, auch challenging, erfrischend, partnerschaftlich, motivierend und auf Augenhöhe erlebt. Ich kann sein weitsichtiges, kundiges und variantenreiches Coaching wärmstens weiterempfehlen.

Hans Rudolf Feuz - Head Group Sales LRV, Stadler Rail Management AG

Schritt um Schritt eine neue Selbstverständlichkeit entwickelt

Frau von Reitzenstein hat mich bewegt, das im sprichwörtlichen Sinn. Der Tritt von hinten war angemessen, genau dosiert und zielgerichtet.

Schritt um Schritt habe ich ein neue Selbstverständlichkeit entwickeln können.

Besten Dank für dieses einzigartige Coaching!

Felix Stählin

Hat mich fit für die Zukunft gemacht

Nach der Schliessung des Firmenstandorts, an dem ich für über 14 Jahre tätig war, wurde mir die Möglichkeit geboten, an einem Outplacement- Programm der ProMoveTM teilzunehmen. Die Gespräche mit Michèle Schwarz-Rellstab als persönlichem Coach sowie die Workshops waren eine wertvolle Bereicherung. In den Workshops lernt man Leute kennen, die in derselben Situation sind und kann sich darüber austauschen, wie man damit umgeht. In den persönlichen Coachings konnte ich mein Selbstbild stärken und meine Bewerbungsstrategie verfeinern. Mein Coach hat es sehr gut verstanden, die von mir gemiedenen Themen und Punkten anzusprechen. Dies hat mein nach der Entlassung angeschlagenes Selbstbild nachhaltig gestärkt und mich «fit» für die Zukunft gemacht.

Florian Vožeh - Konfigurationsmanager, Schweizerische Bundesbahnen


Ich fand dieses Coaching super, weil ich gelernt habe, wie ich meine Bewerbungsunterlagen mit den richtigen Informationen formschön zusammenstelle. In diesem Coaching habe ich wirklich gelernt, warum eine gute Motivation für einen Job wichtig ist.

Karifa Camara

Here you get a small insight into the seven modules that complement your coaching process:

1. Managing change

Change in the workplace generally follows certain patterns. A phase of incomprehension, where people try to make sense of the situation, is generally followed by a feeling of uncertainty, which is shaped by anxiety about the future, cynicism but also sadness about the loss of the familiar. At some point, a new belief in what is feasible sets in and people have the courage to take new steps and open up new opportunities for themselves.

What stage are you at right now? Click on the text and find out what you can do in this situation.

2. My goal

The five possibilities of a professional reorientation:

Only those who know what direction they want their career to take can really shape their futures. The aim of this module is to provide you with the foundation you need to make decisions and choose the right path(s) for your future career. It is not about making “good” or “bad” decisions; instead, it’s about making decisions that are right for you – and decisions that you will ultimately be able to follow through.

Below are five options to choose from when giving your career a new direction:

Which option fits your competences best? Click on the opportunity and find out how to combine your strengths with career opportunities …

This gives you the opportunity to find out your personal job market fitness by means of a questionnaire. The analysis of your job market fitness also reveals potential for improvement, which you can ideally uncover in close cooperation with your coach.

Our programme gives you access to your personal Employability Check. Here you have the chance to view a sample evaluation:

By clicking on the image you can view a sample evaluation of one of our Employability Checks.
3. My Market

The aim of this module is to show you that you can do more than you think. You will develop your strengths and skills. You will be qualified to understand your strengths and weaknesses from the point of view of a potential employer and to contribute at the right place in the labour market. To do this, you need to understand how a vacancy arises in a company.

How do you think a job is created? Try to work out the correct order of the following arrows.

4. My documents

The aim of this module is to compile a complete folder of documents, which you can use to introduce yourself to decision makers and potential employers.

You now know how positions are created and can decide whether you want to take an active role in shaping the process or a more passive approach in applying for advertised positions.

5. Networking and social media

The aim of this module is to show you ways and techniques that will enable you to build, cultivate and use your own network. To do this, we will also tackle the topic of social media, now a vital element in any job hunt.

6. Conversation guide

The trickiest moment in the entire application process is the face-to-face interview with a potential employer. More than 70% of applications fail due to a sub-optimal interview. In this module you will learn about various methods that will help you to prepare correctly for an interview. The aim of this module is to make you feel more confident and appear more professional in interview situations, which will significantly improve your chances of success.

Clip Interview:

7. The first 100 days

You start a new job. This brings with it a specific challenge – the probationary period in a new environment. The aim of this module is to give you some advice to take with you to help you cope successfully with the first 100 days in the company…

Do not leave your professional future to chance. Optimize your chances by getting professionals at your side and at the same time get the best out of yourself.

That’s what we’re here for. We look forward hearing from you!

Would you like to boost your career?