Management and Administration
Anna-Katharina Kres
Project Assistant Ambassadors
Matura Typus S. Alliance Française in France. Is the main contact person of ProMove TM’s Ambassadors.
Julian Kres
Internship in sales and in the hotel industry. Business school. Administrative support at ProMove TM.
Michael Kres
Founder and Partner ProMove TM
Dr. oec. (graduate in Business Economics) HSG. Executive Leadership Coach AoEC, founding partner of ProMove TM. Longstanding management experience in the areas of aviation, telecom, services, education and professional development. Focus: Transformation of classical management companies into self-organizing companies. Organisational coaching. Executive and Leadership Coaching. Lecturing activity at universities and advanced education institutions. Broad range of publications on the subjects of «Demographic Shifts», «Employability» and «Courage and Management».
Michelle Nguyen
Administration / Technical Support
Commercial Education. Further education as fed. Event Manager (incl. Sponsoring).
Several years of experience in Customer Service (Export, Gastronomy, Hotel Industry).
Since 2022 self-employed as Virtual Event & Travel Manager.