Agilizing organisations


The market conditions are changing faster than ever before. Questions are becoming increasingly complex. Organizations that want to stay successful on the market and, at the same time, learn from change, have to adapt to it. Companies today basically react to VUCA by demanding agility on all levels: “Be agile!” is held up as the new guiding principle.

However, the receivers of the message frequently lack specific ideas and the freedom to “put agility into practice”. New organizational systems make it possible to shape organizations in order to overcome the bottlenecks of traditional hierarchical structures. Whoever wants to use the agile potential of the employees has to establish rules that allow small evolutional steps which not only allow more flexibility in the existing company structure, but also foster collaboration.

The company platform offers you effective formats to help your company become more agile.


The workplace of today is knowledge-based. Employees have the necessary expertise to act on their own, make decisions and assume responsibilities. However, traditional systems of organization and power tend to limit this potential.

New organization systems promote independent thinking and initiative for all employees, and allow companies to better use the potential of all employees with regard to knowledge and decision-taking. By creating new collaboration and transparency rules, employees assume responsibilities and solve problems in a decentralized way, directly where they occur.

The company platform offers you effective formats empowering self-organization in your company.

We work in partnership with our colleagues at Unic, who contribute experience and expertise from various transformation projects, including their own courageous change to Holacracy with 250 employees and consulting mandates with well-known companies in the Swiss market.


Die beste Bewertung seit Jahren

Nochmals ganz herzlichen Dank für das Engagement und auch den Aufwand gestern - es hat alles einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen. Das zeigt sich auch in der Auswertung des Feedbacks: das ist die beste Bewertung, die wir in den vergangenen Jahren erreicht haben!!! Chapeau!!!

Kerstin Weber-Sanguigno - Leitung Mitglieder, Netzwerk & Kooperationen, CyberForum e.V.

Grosser Mehrwert im Change- und Transformationsprozess

Seit einigen Monaten steht mir Unic als verlässlicher Partner zur Seite. Im HR Sourcing, Recruiting & Talents der SBB führte ich das Organisationssystem Holacracy ein und werde dabei im Change- und Transformationsprozess professionell beraten. Dank ihrer fachlichen Kompetenz, die durch praktische Erfahrung ergänzt wird, profitieren wir von einer Begleitung mit grossem Mehrwert für alle Beteiligten.

Erika Ingold - Leadlink HR Sourcing, Recruting & Talents, SBB AG

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